TCEA Area IV '97 Slides


Let's say you're going shopping. In my house, we maintain a shopping list on the refrigerator door, adding to it as we think of things; before we put an item on, we check whether it's already there. If we write a program to maintain shopping lists, it would need a way to check whether an item is already in the list. Let's write something that does this.

First, we must define the data. What is a shopping list?

A shopping list is either

How can we be sure we've understood our data? Only by writing down a few examples. What's the simplest example? Well, it's the blank sheet of paper that we first attach to the refrigerator door: empty. Once we have a shopping list, we can put items onto it. These are all examples of shopping lists:

(After all, what good is a shopping list without cake?) Now let's write a function that accepts an item and a shopping list, and checks whether the item is in the list. For starters, what should such a function look like?

in-list? (i, sl) = ...
where i is an item and sl is a shopping list

That's all we know so far; so let's write just that much down. Do we know how in-list? is supposed to work? Well, if we do, we should be able to write down some examples of its behavior.

Now we can start to write the actual function.


Last modified at 10:48:05 CST on Monday, November 10, 1997