TCEA Area IV '97 Slides

Choice of Language

The programming language is the single most important choice a teacher can make, since it is the technology that students encounter the most. Unfortunately, languages like Pascal and C++---and their programming environments---are virtually unchanged since the early 1970's, so they are unable to capitalize on over two decades of computer science research which can have a direct positive impact on the quality of education.

For these reasons, we prefer the programming language Scheme, and the programming environment DrScheme. DrScheme is described in more detail later in these slides.

Scheme has many salient features:

Conventional languages like C++ differ in all these respects. They create artificial obstacles unrelated to the essence of programming. Since students must overcome these obstacles before they can feel comfortable programming, students often develop the incorrect (but justified) opinion that programming is a mundane and boring activity. In particular, students who are uninterested in the arcana of computers, or who seek more creative challenges, are turned off of computer science entirely.

See a concrete example of how C stacks up against Scheme.


Last modified at 20:34:32 CST on Saturday, November 22, 1997