<#61732#>Figure: <#7444#>Beginning Student Scheme<#7444#>: The core grammar<#61732#>
<#7494#>Exercise 8.2.2<#7494#>
<#7534#>Exercise 8.2.3<#7534#>
<#7582#>Grammatical Terminology<#7582#>:\
The components of compound sentences have names. We have introduced some of
these names on an informal basis; for better communication, we introduce
all useful ones here. The second component of a definition, that is, the
non-empty sequence of variables, is a <#61768#><#7583#>HEADER<#7583#><#61768#>. Accordingly, the
expression component of a definition is called <#61769#><#7584#>BODY<#7584#><#61769#>. The
variables that follow the first variable in a header are the
<#61770#><#7585#>PARAMETERS<#7585#><#61770#> of a function.~<#61771#><#61771#>
The two grammar definitions describe how to form atomic sentences and
compound sentences, which are sentences built from other sentences. For
example, a function definition is formed by using ``('', followed by the
keyword <#61733#><#7446#>define<#7446#><#61733#>, followed by another ``('', followed by a non-empty
sequence of variables, followed by ``)'', followed by an expression, and
closed by a right parenthesis ``)'' that matches the very first one. The
keyword <#61734#><#7447#>define<#7447#><#61734#> distinguishes definitions from expressions.
The category of expressions consists of six alternatives: variables,
constants, primitive applications, (function) applications, and two
varieties of <#61735#><#7448#>cond<#7448#><#61735#>itionals. The last four are again composed of
other expressions. The keyword <#61736#><#7449#>cond<#7449#><#61736#> distinguishes conditional
expressions from primitive and function applications.
~<#7451#>Yes, grammars are similar to data definitions. We could use the language of grammars to define data. We don't, because that may confuse students.<#7451#>
Here are three examples of expressions: <#61737#><#7452#>'<#7452#><#7453#>all<#7453#><#61737#>, <#61738#><#7454#>x<#7454#><#61738#>, and
<#61739#><#7455#>(x<#7455#>\ <#7456#>x)<#7456#><#61739#>. The first one belongs to the class of symbols and is
therefore an expression. The second is a variable, and every variable is an
expression. Finally, the third is a function application, because <#61740#><#7457#>x<#7457#><#61740#>
is a variable.
In contrast, the following parenthesized sentences are not expressions:
<#61741#><#7458#>(f<#7458#>\ <#7459#>define)<#7459#><#61741#>, <#61742#><#7460#>(cond<#7460#>\ <#7461#>x)<#7461#><#61742#>, and <#61743#><#7462#>()<#7462#><#61743#>. The first one
partially matches the shape of a function application but it uses
<#61744#><#7463#>define<#7463#><#61744#> as if it were a variable. The second one fails to be a
correct <#61745#><#7464#>cond<#7464#>-expression<#61745#> because it contains a variable as the
second item and not a pair of expressions surrounded by parentheses. The
last one is just a pair of parentheses, but the grammar requires that all
left parenthesis are followed by something other than a right parenthesis.
<#7467#>Exercise 8.2.1<#7467#>
syntactically legal expressions?
Explain why the following sentences are illegal expressions:
syntactically legal definitions?
Explain why the following sentences are illegal definitions:
Explain why the sentences are legal or illegal.~ Solution<#61763#><#61763#>
<#7553#>Exercise 8.2.4<#7553#>
Explain why the sentences are legal definitions or why they
fail to be legal definitions.~ Solution<#61767#><#61767#>
(<#7589#>define<#7589#> (<#70868#><#61772#>;SPMlt;<#7590#>function-name<#7590#>;SPMgt;<#61772#><#70868#> <#70869#><#61773#>;SPMlt;<#7591#>parameter<#7591#>;SPMgt;<#61773#><#70869#> ...<#70870#><#61774#>;SPMlt;<#7592#>parameter<#7592#>;SPMgt;<#61774#><#70870#>) <#70871#><#61775#>;SPMlt;<#7593#>body<#7593#>;SPMgt;<#61775#><#70871#>)
<#7602#>Figure: Syntactic naming conventions<#7602#>
(<#70872#><#61776#>;SPMlt;<#7594#>function<#7594#>;SPMgt;<#61776#><#70872#> <#70873#><#61777#>;SPMlt;<#7595#>argument<#7595#>;SPMgt;<#61777#><#70873#> ...<#70874#><#61778#>;SPMlt;<#7596#>argument<#7596#>;SPMgt;<#61778#><#70874#>)
(<#7597#>cond<#7597#> (<#70875#><#61779#>;SPMlt;<#7598#>question<#7598#>;SPMgt;<#61779#><#70875#> <#70876#><#61780#>;SPMlt;<#7599#>answer<#7599#>;SPMgt;<#61780#><#70876#>) <#72179#><#70877#>;SPMlt;<#61781#><#7600#>cond<#7600#>-clause<#61781#>;SPMgt;<#70877#><#72179#> ...)
People who think of definition as the definition of a mathematical function
also use the terminology <#7604#>left-hand side<#7604#> for a definition's header
and <#7605#>right-hand side<#7605#> for the body. For the same reason, the first
component in an application is called <#7606#>function<#7606#> and the remaining
components are referred to as <#7607#>arguments<#7607#>. Occasionally, we also
use <#7608#>actual arguments<#7608#>.
Finally, a <#61782#><#7609#>cond<#7609#>-expression<#61782#> consists of <#61783#><#7610#>cond<#7610#><#61783#>-lines or
<#61784#><#7611#>cond<#7611#><#61784#>-clauses. Each line consists of two expressions: the
<#7612#>question<#7612#> and the <#7613#>answer<#7613#>. A question is also called a