Unless the queue is empty, clicking the ``Next'' button should
remove an item from the queue and display the first item in the remainder
of the queue. If the queue is empty, clicking the ``Next'' button should
have no effect.
<#48242#>Hint:<#48242#> \ The greeting and the year are two separate message items.~
<#48248#>Exercise 37.4.3<#48248#>
In section~#secmovefig#48250>, we developed a program that moves pictures
across a canvas. A picture is a list of shapes; the program consists of
functions that draws, erases, and translates pictures. The main function is
<#68791#><#48251#>move<#48251#><#68791#> (exercise~#exmoving#48252>). It consumes a picture and a
number <#68792#><#48253#>n<#48253#><#68792#>. It produces a new picture, moved by <#68793#><#48254#>n<#48254#><#68793#> pixels;
it also erases the original picture and draws the new one.
Develop the program <#68794#><#48255#>drive<#48255#><#68794#>. It draws a (fixed) picture on a canvas
and permits players to move the picture left or right by a player-specified
number of pixels.
Modify <#68795#><#48256#>drive<#48256#><#68795#> so that it also keeps track of some given amount of
fuel. A move by one pixel should consume a fixed amount of
<#48262#>Exercise 37.4.4<#48262#>
Modify the two functions that control the state of a single traffic light
so that they control the state of the two traffic lights at an ordinary
intersection. Each light can assume one of three states: <#68797#><#48264#>'<#48264#><#48265#>red<#48265#><#68797#>,
<#68798#><#48266#>'<#48266#><#48267#>green<#48267#><#68798#>, and <#68799#><#48268#>'<#48268#><#48269#>yellow<#48269#><#68799#>. When one is <#68800#><#48270#>'<#48270#><#48271#>green<#48271#><#68800#> or
<#68801#><#48272#>'<#48272#><#48273#>yellow<#48273#><#68801#>, the other one must be <#68802#><#48274#>'<#48274#><#48275#>red<#48275#><#68802#>.
Recall the basics about the two functions for a single traffic light:
<#71826#>;; <#68803#><#48280#>init-traffic-light<#48280#> <#48281#>:<#48281#> <#48282#><#48282#><#48283#>-;SPMgt;<#48283#><#48284#><#48284#> <#48285#>void<#48285#><#68803#> <#71826#>
<#71827#>;; effects: (1) to initialize <#68804#><#48286#>current-color<#48286#><#68804#>; (2) to draw traffic light<#71827#>
<#71828#>;; <#68805#><#48294#>next<#48294#> <#48295#>:<#48295#> <#48296#><#48296#><#48297#>-;SPMgt;<#48297#><#48298#><#48298#> <#48299#>void<#48299#><#68805#><#71828#>
<#71829#>;; <#48300#>effects<#48300#>: (1) to change <#68806#><#48301#>current-color<#48301#><#68806#> from <#68807#><#48302#>'<#48302#><#48303#>green<#48303#><#68807#> to <#68808#><#48304#>'<#48304#><#48305#>yellow<#48305#><#68808#>, <#71829#>
<#71830#>;; <#68809#><#48306#>'<#48306#><#48307#>yellow<#48307#><#68809#> to <#68810#><#48308#>'<#48308#><#48309#>red<#48309#><#68810#>, and <#68811#><#48310#>'<#48310#><#48311#>red<#48311#><#68811#> to <#68812#><#48312#>'<#48312#><#48313#>green<#48313#><#68812#><#71830#>
<#48314#>;; (2) to re-draw the traffic light appropriately <#48314#>
Modify the basics first.
When the program is developed and tested, develop a graphical display like
the following:
Use the functions <#68813#><#48318#>init-traffic-light<#48318#><#68813#> and <#68814#><#48319#>next<#48319#><#68814#>
to drive the display, but keep the functions that display information
separate from these two functions.~
<#48325#>Exercise 37.4.5<#48325#>
In sections~#secinterpreter#48327> and~#secinterpreter2#48328> we developed
an evaluator for a portion of Scheme. A typical Scheme implementation also
provides an <#68816#><#48329#>INTERACTIVE<#48329#><#68816#> user mode. In DrScheme, the
<#48330#>Interactions<#48330#> window plays this role.
An interactive system prompts the reader for definitions and expressions,
evaluates them appropriately, and possibly produces some result.
Definitions are added to some repository; to confirm the addition, the
interactive system may produce a value like <#68817#><#48331#>true<#48331#><#68817#>. Expressions are
evaluated relative to the definition repository. The function
<#68818#><#48332#>interpret-with-defs<#48332#><#68818#> from section~#secinterpreter2#48333> performs
this role.
Develop an interaction system around <#68819#><#48334#>interpret-with-defs<#48334#><#68819#>. The
system should provide at least two services:
- <#68820#><#48336#>add-definition<#48336#><#68820#>, which adds (the representation of) some
function definition to the system's repository;
- <#68821#><#48337#>evaluate<#48337#><#68821#>, which consumes (the representation of) some
expression and evaluates it relative to the current repository.
If a user adds two (or more) definitions for some function <#68822#><#48339#>f<#48339#><#68822#>, the
last addition is the one that matters. The previous ones can be