The guideline for using <#66126#><#32760#>lambda<#32760#>-expression<#66126#>s is straightforward:
rawhtml41 Guideline on Lambda Expressions rawhtml42 Use <#66127#><#32761#>lambda<#32761#>-expression<#66127#>s when a function is not recursive and is only referred to once (in an argument position). rawhtml43
If we were to apply the guideline to the programs in the preceding
sections, we would quickly see how much <#66128#><#32762#>lambda<#32762#><#66128#> simplifies the use
of abstracted functions. For that reason, Scheme offers many abstracted
functions in its libraries. In future sections, we will encounter many
more examples where <#66129#><#32763#>lambda<#32763#>-expression<#66129#>s are convenient.