· Work address – 6100 South Main,
· Office – 3114
· Work phone – (713) 348-5728
· Fax number – (713) 348-5930
· Email – jwarren@cs.rice.edu
Research interest - click here for a
list of my recent research papers or browse the area summaries below.
I am
actively interested in subdivision, a fractal-method for modeling smooth curves and surface.
Subdivision surfaces are the industry-standard for entertainment and modeling
applications. I have written a book on the
topic and consider one of the world’s leading experts in the area.
I also
publish papers on topics such as mesh modeling, contouring, deformation
in forums such as SIGGRAPH. Two recent Ph.D. students of mine, Tao Ju and Scott Schaefer,
are now CS faculty at
I have helped develop a 3D atlas for storing spatial gene expression patterns over the
mouse brain. Collaborators on this
project include
I am also working on a project to model the 3D motion of the human lung from time-varying
3D CT images (
teach Comp 460, a class on computer game development, every spring. The goal of the class is to build the best
game possible in the course of a semester.
I am currently in the process of developing a joint gaming program with Pi
Studios, a local gaming company.
In conjunction
with Tony Elam, I am involved in a project to develop an environment for fast prototyping of board games. Travis McPhail and
Etiene Vouga are leading the technical design of this environment.
I also teach Comp 110, an
introductory computing course for non-CS scientists and engineers. Instead of being lecture-based, the course
has a lab-based style in which students work through Mathematica notebooks at their own pace in the Symonds II lab.
with Aaron Hertzmann, I developed GRACE (the Graphical Ruler And Compass
Editor). GRACE is an interactive Java
applet that lets students create dynamic constructions and generate proofs of
their correctness. GRACE won the 1998
Quest for Java award.