Zoran Budimlić


My name is Zoran Budimlić, I am a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at Rice University in Houston, TX.

My teaching interests include programming languages, software engineering, compilers and parallel programming. I am currently one of the five faculty members launching the new Rice Online Master of Computer Science Program.

My research interests include compilers for high productivity languages, object-oriented languages and compilation, high performance and parallel computing, software transactional memory and more. Anything that will help the programmers to write code for the increasingly powerful (but also increasingly complex) computers of today and tomorrow.

I am currently leading CnC-Madness, a multi-institutional NSF research project (jointly with Colorado State University and Stony Brook University), whose goal is to develop new programming technologies based on CnC, a declarative, data-flow model for expressing and executing irregular tree-based scientific applications.

Senior Research Scientist

Computer Science Department

Rice University