MATHIAS GUENTER RICKEN 6100 Main Street MS-132 Houston, TX 77005-1892 (713) 835-2446 NOTE I am currently not looking for employment. EDUCATION Ph.D. in Computer Science expected 2011 Rice University, Houston, TX. Graduate GPA 3.98/4.00 Research Area: Programming Languages. Advisor: Dr. Robert Cartwright M.S. in Computer Science October 2007 Rice University, Houston, TX. Thesis: "A Framework for Testing Concurrent Programs" Republished 2009 by VDM Verlag (ISBN 978-3-639-15074-2) B.S. in Computer Science May 2004, magna cum laude Rice University, Houston, TX. GPA 3.89/4.00 Abitur 1999. Average 1.0/1.0. Ranked 4th in the state of Bremen Hermann Boese Gymnasium, Bremen, Germany. Computer skills: C, C++, C#, Java, Promela/SPIN, Assembly, Scheme, OCaml Languages spoken fluently: English, German EXPERIENCE Developer, JavaPLT, January 2006 - Rice University, Houston, TX Extended and maintained DrJava, an open-source cross-platform Java development environment (~350KLOC), and made it suitable for use on large software projects. Refactored the compiler interface, integrated the NextGen, Habanero Java, and Java Mint research compilers, and developed DrJava into a compiler research platform. Research Assistant, Programming Languages Team, May 2004 - Rice University, Houston, TX Investigated and implemented testing tools for concurrent Java programs. Implemented a multi-stage programming extension of Java called Mint. Designed and developed course material for computer science courses in object-oriented programming and concurrent programming. R & D Intern, Real-Time and Embedded Systems, May 2003 - August 2003 National Instruments, Austin, TX Modified the LabVIEW Embedded environment to generate multi-threaded C source code for different operating systems and hardware platforms. Software Developer, Programming Languages Team, August 2002 - May 2003 Rice University, Houston, TX Developed the programming environment DrC#. Advisor: Research Assistant, Computer Graphics, May 2002 - December 2002 Rice University, Houston, TX Independently researched and implemented texture and geometry synthesis algorithms in computer graphics; developed applications for a haptic input device. PUBLICATIONS Mint: Java Multi-stage Programming Using Weak Separability Westbrook, E, M. Ricken, J. Inoue, Y. Yao, T. Abdelatif, and W. Taha Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2010), ACM 2010 Test-First Java Concurrency for the Classroom Ricken, M., and R. Cartwright Proceedings of the Forty-First SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. ACM, 2010 ConcJUnit: Unit Testing for Concurrent Programs Ricken, M., and R. Cartwright Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java (PPPJ 2009). ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, ACM, 2009 A Framework for Testing Concurrent Programs M.S. Thesis, October 2007. Republished 2009 by VDM Verlag (ISBN 978-3-639-15074-2) Nifty Assignment: Temperature Calculator - Programming for Change Nguyen, D., and M. Ricken Proceedings of the Fifteenth OOPSLA Educators' Symposium. ACM, 2006 Design Patterns for Parsing Nguyen, D., M. Ricken, and S. Wong Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. ACM, 2005 Nifty Assignment: Marine Biology Simulation Cheng, E., D. Nguyen, M. Ricken, and S. Wong Proceedings of the Thirteenth OOPSLA Educators' Symposium. ACM, 2004 Nifty Assignment: Abstract Factories and the Shape Calculator Cheng, E., D. Nguyen, M. Ricken, and S. Wong Proceedings of the Thirteenth OOPSLA Educators' Symposium. ACM, 2004 Design Patterns for Marine Biology Simulation Nguyen, D., M. Ricken, and S. Wong Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. ACM, 2004 PRESENTATIONS Agile and Efficient Domain-Specific Languages using Multi-stage Programming in Java Mint Ricken, M., E. Westbrook, and W. Taha Ninth International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE’10). ACM, 2010 Mint: A Multi-stage Extension of Java Westbrook, E, M. Ricken, J. Inoue, Y. Yao, T. Abdelatif, and W. Taha Purdue University Computer Science Colloquia, March 15, 2010 Object-Oriented Design Festival" Workshop Cheng, E., D. Nguyen, M. Ricken, and S. Wong Thirty-Seventh SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. ACM, 2006 TEACHING Customer, Software Engineering Methodology, Fall 2010 Rice University, Houston, TX Will act as demanding customer for students in a class that models a realistic software development scenario and that teaches principles of software engineering. Mentor, Independent Study, Fall 2009, Spring 2010 Rice University, Houston, TX Provided advice and supervision to undergraduate computer science students for independent studies concerned with (1) extending the DrJava development environment, and (2) multi-stage programming. Instructor, Production Programming, Spring 2009 Teaching Assistant, Production Programming, 2 semesters Rice University, Houston, TX Held all class lectures, designed the curriculum, chose projects for student groups, and assigned final grades. As teaching assistant, maintained website and solutions, helped students with Ant and Subversion, administered SourceForge accounts. Instructor, Principles of Object-Oriented Programming II, Fall 2008 Rice University, Houston, TX Held all class lectures and laboratory tutorials, modified and designed the curriculum, supervised teaching assistants, graded exams and homework assignments, and assigned final grades. Teaching Assistant, Programming Languages, 3 semesters Rice University, Houston, TX Held several class lectures, consulted undergraduate and graduate students, and graded their exams and homework assignments. Assisted in conversion of lectures and assignments to OCaml. Maintained website and solutions, improved grading scripts. Teaching Assistant, Intermediate Programming, 9 semesters Rice University, Houston, TX Held several class lectures. Presented weekly tutorials on Unix, Java, design patterns, and tools; consulted college students and graded their exams and homework assignments. Maintained website and grade database. HONORS Doctoral Fellowship (2004 - 2010) Rice University/Texas Medical Center Graduate Teaching Certificate Dean's Teaching Assistant (2008 - 2009) Sid Richardson Fellow Rice Undergraduate Scholar Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society (Officer 2003 - 2004) Louis J. Walsh Merit Scholarship in Engineering 2001 - 2004 Rice Ambassador, Corps of Special Aides to the Governor of Texas (2001 – 2004) Rice University President's Honor Roll Fall 2000, 2002, 2003; Spring 2002, 2003 MEMBERSHIP Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Member Special Interest Group on Programming Languages (SIGPLAN) Student Member Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Student Member ACTIVITIES Brian O’Neill’s Running Club: Fitness, Fun, Philanthropy Houston Grand Opera Opening Nights for Young Professionals Houston Symphony Young Professionals Backstage Rice Wine Society (Secretary/Treasurer, 2004 – 2006) Rice Computer Science Club (Vice President, 2003 – 2004) Rice Engineering Society Council (Secretary/Treasurer, 2003 – 2004)