empeg drive upgrade photos

Here are photos from adding a 48GB drive to my existing 12GB empeg Mark 2.

Here's where the fun began. The shock mounts (those black rubber things) are mounted to the stereo frame with a chunk of metal that has two holes in it to hang onto the shock mounts. One of the metal chunks got stuck to the stereo frame. The other didn't.

You can see the stuck metal chunk. It came free by pulling on it, requiring more force than the original shock mounts could deliver.

Here's the wire that empeg installs to keep the connectors from being smashed. My empeg didn't have the hot glue to hold on the connectors, so they came off pretty easy.

The FAQ says to keep the new drive outside the machine while it's formatting. A CD jewelcase stood in as a fine insulating layer.

The extra parts I had to buy from Fry's. Note, these jumpers here are slightly on the large size, but they did work. If you can find a size smaller, that would be ideal.

I used two generic sticky paper labels as an insulating layer between the hard drive and the metal tray.

Dan Wallach, CS Department, Rice University
Last modified: Tue Nov 6 16:27:53 CST 2001