An array is an indexed sequence
data values of fixed length. In contrast to more general
representations for sequences an array object cannot grow or shrink.
It has a specific length
when it is created and retains this
length during its entire lifetime. Java arrays are very different
than C++ arrays; they are much closer to APArray objects in the
AP Computer Science libraries. A Java array is an object that supports the
the same high-level operations on arrays as C++.
Every array in Java has a
declared type [] asserting that all elements of the array
have type
. All of the primitive operations on arrays in Java
preserve the declared types attached to arrays.
Given an array a
of type
[], the expresssion a[
] extracts the
th element of the array, which is a value of type
. Array indexing begins with the integer value
0 as in C++. Hence, an
array of length
has valid indices of
Finger Exercise Enter the following array defintion in the DrJava Interactions pane.
int[] a = new int[]{0, 1, 2, 3};This statement defines an int array a containing four elements: 0, 1, 2, 3. Now evaluate the following expressions:
a a[0] a[3] a[4]Did you get the results that you expected? The printed value for a is not very informative since it prints a cryptic abbreviation for the type of a (the '[' symbol means ``array-of''l and 'B' means int) followed by the hashcode for the object.2.1 Unfortunately, Java array classes do not override the toString() method to produce more readable printed output.
The assignment operator = is used to update array elements.
Given an array a of type [], the statement
a[updates the value of the] =
Finger Exercise Continue the preceding exercise by entering the following statement in the interactions window (assuming that a has been defined as shown above):
a[0] = 17;Now type the expression
a[0]Did you get the answer that you expected?
In Java, arrays of every type are built into the language. If you
define a class or interface , then the array type
[] is
automatically supported by Java. Every array type is a subtype of
type Object, but array types cannot be extended.
If a Java variable has type [] for some
primitive or object type
then it can only be bound to arrays of
[] where U is a subtype of T.
In the common case the types T and U are identical.
Primtive types have no proper subtypes, so an exact match is required
in this case.
Every Java array has a int field length that contains the length of the array.
Finger Exercise Continue the preceding exercise by evaluating the following expression in the Interactions pane:
a.lengthDid you get the answer that you expected?
Since Java arrays are objects, a Java array value is actually a
reference to an array. Hence, a variable of type [] in Java
can have the value null. A variable of type
[] can
appear on the left-hand side of an assignment
a =where![]()
Since array values are references to arrays, two variables can be bound to exactly the same array. If array variables a and b are bound to the same array object, then updating the array a
a[i] = e;changes the value of b[i].
Finger Exercise Continue the preceding exercise by entering the following sequence of statements and expressions in the Interactions pane:
int[] b = a; b[0] b[0] = 5; a[0]Did you get the resulsts that you expected?
Arrays are allocated in Java using the new statement just like other objects. The array form is
new T[length]where T is any type and length is an expression that evaluates to a non-negative int. Arrays can have length 0. Each element of the array is set to the `zero'' value of the declared type T. If T is an object type, the initial value of each element is null. Hence, the expression
new String[1000]allocates an array of 1000 String elements all bound to null.
Java has alternate form for constructing an array called an anonymous array. The expression
new T[] {allocates an array of length}
Java uses two mechanisms to enforce the declared type T[] of an array object. First, when an array T[] is allocated, all of the initial element values must be of type T. Second, when an array object a of type T[] is updated by an assignment
a[Java confirms that the the new value e for the] =
The array-assignment check must be performed at run-time because an array object of type S[] can be stored in a local variable or field of type T[] where S is a subtype of T. Hence, in the preceding array assignment, the declared (static) type T of e could match the declared type T[] of the array variable a, yet the assignment could fail at run-time because the value of a is an array of type S[] where S is a proper subtype of T.
The Java type system permits an array variable of type T[] to be bound to an array A of type S[] provided S is subtype of T. This property of the Java type system is called covariant subtyping. Note that covariant subtyping implies that the array type Object[] is a supertype for all object array types, which permits arrays to be treated polymorhically in many situations.