PLT develops foundations for building reliable, high-performance software. Foundations include practices, languages, semantics, implementation techniques and type systems. To demonstrate the impact of these foundations, PLT implements various tools. These include compilers and IDEs, and applies them to challenging software development domains.
· Current Projects:
- DrJava: A lightweight pedagogic IDE for Java supporting Extreme Programming.
- Multi-stage programming: High-level languages for program generation.
- Resource Aware Programming: High-level languages for embedded and real-time systems
- Concutest: A Framework for Testing Concurrent Programs
TeachJava: Outreach effort for high school and college faculty, focusing on how to teach OO design.
- NextGen: Growing Java to support first-class genericity.
· People
- Faculty: Robert Cartwright, Walid Taha, Dung Nguyen, Stephen Wong.
- Postdoctoral associates: Edwin Westbrook.
- Graduate students: Daniel Smith, Mathias Ricken, Cherif Salama, Jun Inoue.
- Visiting students: Fulong Chen.
- Undergraduate students: Travis Martin, Marisa Peralta, Henry Gorman.
- Recent graduates: James Sasitorn, Angela Yun Zhu, Raj Bandyopadhyay, Stephan Ellner, Roumen Kaibachev, James Hsia, Eric Allen, Peter Centgraf, Dennis Lu, R. Matt Barnett, Charlie Reis, Brian Stoler, Theo Yaung.
· PLT Seminar: Forum for members and affiliates of PLT to exchange ideas.
· Publications
· Related Courses:
· Past Projects
- DrC#: A lightweight pedagogic IDE for C#.
- DrScheme: A comprehensive programming environment for writing, debugging, and analyzing Scheme programs. (Maintained by Scheme PLT)
- TeachScheme!: Outreach effort for high school and college faculty.
This page is maintained by mgricken at rice dot edu and cherif at rice dot edu.